Personal statements by category
Media, Creative and Film Inc. arts courses, photography, drama, theatre and journalism.
Hospitality and Tourism Inc. Events and Travel Management.
Psychology Inc. Clinical Psychology, Sociology and Social Sciences
International Relations, Law & Politics inc. Criminology.
English Languages, History & Teaching Inc. English Language and Literature, History, Foreign Languages and Teaching/Education.
Miscellaneous Inc. general college, graduate and PhD applications
Business and Marketing Inc. post graduate / MBA, Business Administration, Business School Applications, Management and Strategy, Supply Chain Management
Economics, Accounting & Finance Inc. maths, statistics and economics
Science Inc. biology, physics, chemistry, biomedical studies, genetics, marine science and other closely related subjects
IT & Computer Science Inc. artificial intelligence (AI), information technology, data science and software engineering
Engineering Inc. aeronautical / astronautical, civil, construction, electrical/electronic, mechanical, transportation, aviation & architecture
Health & Medicine Inc. pharmacy, veterinary medicine, nursing, physical therapy, physicians, doctors, dentistry, medics, medical school, medical residency, healthcare leadership, the NHS & social services