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Fashion Design BA (Hons) Personal Statement

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 19th July 2023
  • Price: Free download
  • Word count: 786 words
  • File format: Text
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(Why have I chosen this course?)

Fashion has always been a form of self-expression for me. It is a powerful means of communication that transcends borders and cultures. I have chosen to pursue a BA (Hons) Fashion Design as it will allow me to translate my passion for fashion into a career where I can unleash my creativity and contribute to the ever-evolving world of design.

(What excites me about the subject?)

What excites me about fashion design is the limitless possibilities for innovation and artistic expression. From sketching concepts to creating one-of-a-kind garments, the entire design process is a thrilling journey that allows designers to push boundaries and challenge conventional norms. The dynamic nature of the industry and the constant evolution of trends and styles inspire me to constantly explore new ideas and push my creative limits.

(Is my previous or current study relevant to the course?)

Although my previous studies in business administration may seem unrelated to fashion design, they have equipped me with important transferable skills. The knowledge I gained in areas such as marketing, entrepreneurship, and project management will be invaluable in establishing my own fashion label in the future. By combining my business acumen with my passion for design, I believe I can create a successful and sustainable fashion brand.

(Have I got any work experience that might help me?)

Throughout my undergraduate years, I sought opportunities to gain practical experience in the fashion industry. I interned at a local fashion house, where I had the opportunity to work closely with designers and learn about the technical aspects of garment construction. This experience not only honed my sewing and pattern-making skills but also exposed me to the fast-paced environment of the fashion industry. It taught me the importance of attention to detail, time management, and working collaboratively in a team.

(What life experiences have I had that I could talk about?)

Growing up in a multicultural environment, I have been exposed to a myriad of fashion influences from around the world. This has ignited my love for cultural diversity and helped shape my unique design aesthetic. Whether it is the vibrant colors of Indian textiles or the minimalistic elegance of Japanese design, I draw inspiration from various cultures and strive to incorporate elements of diversity in my creations. These experiences have cultivated my appreciation for the global nature of fashion and the power it holds in connecting people.

(What achievements am I proud of?)

One of my proudest achievements was organizing a charity fashion show to raise funds for a local children’s hospital. As the event coordinator, I was responsible for coordinating with designers, models, and sponsors, as well as overseeing the entire production process. The show was a success, not only in terms of funds raised but also in showcasing the talent and creativity of emerging designers. This achievement instilled in me a sense of accomplishment and further solidified my passion for fashion and the impact it can have beyond aesthetics.

(What skills do I have that make me perfect for the course?)

I possess strong visual and artistic skills, coupled with a keen eye for detail and aesthetics. These qualities enable me to create visually captivating designs that not only reflect current trends but also push boundaries. Additionally, I am proficient in design software, allowing me to digitally illustrate my ideas and bring them to life. Moreover, my excellent communication and presentation skills enable me to effectively convey my design concepts to clients, collaborators, and audiences.

(What plans and ambitions do I have for my future career?)

In the future, I aspire to establish my own fashion label that embodies sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation. I am passionate about creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally conscious. I envision my brand as a platform to challenge the fast fashion industry and promote ethical and responsible practices. Additionally, I aim to collaborate with artisans from marginalized communities and incorporate their traditional craftsmanship into contemporary designs, thereby empowering them economically and preserving their cultural heritage.

In conclusion, I am driven by my passion for fashion and the desire to contribute to the industry by creating designs that inspire and make a positive impact. My previous studies in business administration, work experience in the fashion industry, and diverse life experiences have prepared me to excel in a BA (Hons) Fashion Design course. With my creativity, technical skills, and commitment to sustainability, I am confident that I can thrive in this program and contribute to the dynamic and ever-evolving world of fashion design.

NB: The prompts above have been left in to help you plan your own personal statement. We would suggest these are not included with your final submission.

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