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Journalism BA (Hons) Undergraduate Degree Personal Statement Example

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 2nd March 2023
  • Price: Free download
  • Word count: 650 words
  • File format: Text
  • 4.0
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As an avid consumer of news and current affairs, I have always been fascinated by the role of journalism in society. Journalism is an essential component of democracy, holding the powerful accountable and giving voice to the voiceless. It is a profession that requires a deep sense of responsibility and integrity, and I am excited to pursue it through the Journalism BA (Hons) degree at [Example] University.

Throughout my academic journey, I have always been drawn to courses that challenge me and help me develop new skills. My passion for journalism started during my secondary school years, where I was the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. During that time, I had the opportunity to cover a range of topics, from school events to local politics. I enjoyed the process of gathering information, conducting interviews, and writing stories that inform, entertain, and educate the readers.

I went on to study Communications at A-level, which gave me a broad understanding of media and communication theories. During this time, I continued to write for the student newspaper, and I also interned at a local radio station. These experiences allowed me to see the practical side of journalism and to develop my skills in news writing, reporting, and broadcast journalism.

After completing my A Levels, I worked as a freelance writer for various online publications. This experience taught me the importance of being able to write for different audiences and to adapt my writing style to suit different formats. I also learned the importance of fact-checking and the need to present information in a clear, concise, and engaging way.

Despite these experiences, I knew that I needed to develop my skills further to become a professional journalist. I decided to pursue a Diploma in Journalism, where I honed my skills in investigative journalism, data journalism, and multimedia storytelling. This course gave me a solid foundation in the ethical, legal, and practical aspects of journalism, and I am confident that it has prepared me well for the degree.

This degree stands out to me because of its emphasis on practical, hands-on experience. I am excited about the opportunity to work in a newsroom environment, where I can put my skills into practice and learn from experienced journalists. I am also impressed by the range of modules on offer, including digital journalism, sports journalism, and international journalism. This diversity of modules will enable me to explore different areas of journalism and to develop my skills in areas that I am most interested in.

I am particularly interested in the module on investigative journalism, as I believe that it is the most important form of journalism in holding those in power accountable. Investigative journalism requires tenacity, persistence, and a commitment to uncovering the truth, and I am eager to develop my skills in this area. I am also interested in the module on data journalism, as I believe that data can be a powerful tool in storytelling and in providing context to complex issues.

In addition to the practical aspects of the course, I am also excited about the opportunity to engage in critical reflection on the role of journalism in society. The module on media ethics and regulation, for example, will enable me to explore the ethical dilemmas faced by journalists and to consider the impact of media regulation on journalistic freedom. These discussions will be essential in shaping my understanding of the responsibility that comes with being a journalist and the importance of upholding journalistic standards.

I am confident that the Journalism BA (Hons) degree [Example] University will equip me with the skills and knowledge to become a successful journalist. My passion for journalism, combined with my academic and professional experiences, have prepared me well for the course. I am excited about the prospect of working alongside other aspiring journalists, and I am eager to learn from experienced journalists who are passionate about their craft.

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Latest reviews:

Quite short but helpful

6th July 2023

This is a good statement that gave me some ideas for my course.

Ben JC

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