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Psychology degree personal statement example

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
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  • Published: 10th July 2023
  • Price: Free download
  • Word count: 838 words
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What draws me to Psychology is the fact that it is concerned of people and being very much a people’s person, I am intrigued to find out why and how we all behave and think the way we do. I truly believe that a degree in Psychology will help me to deepen my understanding of this. I have been disturbed by the amount of suffering and unhappiness that we are surrounded by in the world. Many people are suffering from mental illnesses and so I wish that with my knowledge of Psychology I can pursue a career in being a Psychologist and help those with such disorders. Growing up, I perceived my father, a human rights lawyer, as this hero who salvaged people’s lives and restored their hope and I learned that this is exactly what I want to do with my life. I want to do something which gives the same rewarding results ensuring I am serving people with my support and for me, I want to achieve this through Psychology.

My motivation to study Psychology sprung from completing my EPQ on the debate of nature versus nurture. My primary focus was on murderers’ minds and how a child’s upbringing affects their likelihood of becoming a murderer. Through this, I learned the inner workings of the criminal brain and the importance of the amygdala fascinated me. Such a minuscule part of the brain holds so much significance as the levels of activation it has could easily change our whole personality. This revealed the scientific side of Psychology to me and the scientific value it holds as an empirical approach is used which means that practical experiments as well as collecting and analysing data are significant parts of the course. This enticed me even further on my decision to study this subject as I currently take Mathematics at A-Level so I am prepared for the number of statistics involved. Economics, also being a social science, has shown me the behaviour of humans and the behavioural side of it has been the most interesting part as I am intrigued at how we act so irrationally and would like to further my understanding into why with Psychology. Philosophy has equipped me with the essay skills this course requires as it requires critical thinking as there are many theories to understand, similar to Psychology. I am most interested in the links between society and psychology which made reading ‘Inside the Criminal Mind’ by Stanton E. Samenow interesting as his primary focus is on how nature is the reason for crime as he refuses to blame society for creating criminals. He disagrees with the argument of nurture and I did not completely agree with it so I am intrigued to find out more about social psychology as well as psychology and the brain. Completing work experience in GP surgery, observing appointments with patients and reading through mental health care plans opened was gave me the chance to see Psychology in practice and this made me realise that the specific field of Psychology that I’d be interested to follow is clinical psychology. The mental health care plans covered patients suffering from illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, and phobias and seeing that people had recovered due to the treatment from psychologists deepened my desire to want to study this subject.

I have taken interests in areas beyond the traditional curriculum as I have taken up as many opportunities as I could have during my time at school. This includes participation in the school Netball team, representing the school in many fixtures. Being a part of this team has taught me the importance of the value of a group is on and off the court, I have learned that although independence is vital, being part of such a team is something I am proud of. I currently have the roles of being a House Captain as well as a Prefect of my school, which is also an accomplishment for me. Both these positions require responsibilities of completing tasks with deadlines and can be quite a challenge whilst trying to juggle them with 3 A Levels. Having said that, they have certainly helped me to work in a professional environment as I have had to communicate with various audiences. Additionally, I have taken part in the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award which I believe has given me an important lesson into the set of skills needed when put into a tough environment as it required resilience as well as patience

A degree in Psychology would be my first step in allowing me to pursue a career as a Psychologist and therefore help and educate people, fulfilling my goals of making a positive difference. I believe I have the academic capacity to succeed in such a field as well as the inquiring mind needed to prosper in this course, in addition to genuinely wanting to make a positive impact on society which I faithfully believe Psychology will aid me to do.


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